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Fisheries By Adib

Fisheries Biology

Fisheries Zoology
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes
General survey and classification of animals up to sub-class level with special emphasis on groups having fisheries importance.
Adaptation of animals to aquatic life with special reference to temperature, salinity, current. depth, light etc.
Economic significance of the following groups of animals: Protozoans, Porifera, Coelenterates, Rotifers, Nematodes, Oligochaetes, Mollusks, Crustaceans, Aquatic insects, Echinoderms, Frogs, Aquatic reptiles, Fishing birds and Cetaceans.
Functional morphology and life history of the following aquatic animals: Paramecium, Aurelia, Pila, Lamellidens, Loligo, Macrobrachium, Scylla, Rana, Chitra, Crocodilus.
General Ichthyology
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes. History of Ichthyology
Definition of fish. Important facts and figures about fishes. Classification of major groups of freshwater and marine fishes
External morphology:
Body forms, shapes and sizes. Body coverings. Appendages and openings.
Skin, scales, skeleton, and fins. Derivatives of skin. Coloration in fishes and its significance
Muscles and locomotion:
Types, and their roles in locomotion and movements of different body parts
Anatomy of different internal organs:
Respiratory system: Structure of gills, accessory air-breathing organs. Digestive system: Food, feeding habits and feeding adaptations; comparative study of the alimentary canal in different groups of fishes. Circulatory system: Components of circulatory systems. Excretory system: Excretory organs, types of kidneys. Reproductive system: Types of reproduction, primary and secondary sexual characters.
Swim bladder: Origin and role in buoyancy
Integration systems in fishes:
Nervous systems- brain and cranial nerves; spinal cord and nerves Receptors- types and functions
Endocrine system- types of endocrine glands, their location and function.
Adaptive radiation in fish.
Biodiversity and Fishery Systematics
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes.
Basic information on biodiversity: Definition of species. Ecosystem and genetic diversity. The nature and value of biodiversity- economic and ecological.
Aquatic biodiversity study: Species biodiversity Ecosystem diversity –
Country level: Inland – ponds, swamps, lakes, canals and rivers and Marine – Bay of Bengal, coast, off-shore and estuaries
Global level: Hydrosphere (7 oceans), Lithosphere (lands – 5 continents) and Atmosphere (Air), Rhythms: Scalar rhythm (24 h diurnal), Lunar rhythm (monthly) and solar rhythm (annual), wave and current
Loss of the biodiversity: Causes; natural variation in time and space; Present situation, endangered aquatic species of Bangladesh.
Systematics – an overview.
Taxonomic characters: Morphometric, meristic, physiological, ecological, and ethological. Criteria for taxonomic categorization.
Zoological nomenclature: The rules of Zoological nomenclature: International code, validity of names, homonymy, synonymy.
Mechanisms of speciation: Species concepts and speciation in fish.
Evolution and adaptive radiation in fish: Agnatha, chondrichthyes, primitive fishes, teleosts and acanthopterygii.
Recent developments in systematics.
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes.
Phylogenetic and ontogenetic development.
The origin and structure of gametes.
Fertilization: Types, mechanism of sperm-egg interaction, fusion of gametes, prevention of polyspermy.
Parthenogenesis: Natural and artificial parthenogenesis and their impact; gynogenesis, androgenesis.
Cleavage: Pattern of cleavage, cleavage in different animals; blastulation.
Gastrulation: Fate of cells; gastrulation in different animals and formation of organ rudiments.
Organization of early embryo, epigenesis, nucleic acid and protein synthesis.
Organogenesis: Formation of general body form.
Differentiation and growth mechanism of cell reproduction.
Biology of Farmed Fishes
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes Present status of farmed fishes: an overview
Life history of important group of farmed fishes with references to food and feeding habit, digestion, growth and reproduction: Freshwater fishes- Cyprinids, Cichlids, Catfishes, Snakeheads, Perches, Exotic fishes, and Trout Marine fishes Sea bass, Sea bream, Eel, Flounder, Yellow tail, Mullet, Milkfish, and Salmon
Early life history stages of farmed fishes: Gonadal embryonic and larval development. Environmental effects: Temperature, salinity, light, current and metabolic effects on feeding.
Behavior manipulation in farmed fishes:
Environmental control through Pond/Cage/Tank/Pen design, Water quality and feeding patterns. Dominance regulation and suppression of aggressive behavior. Domestication and environmental manipulation.
Recent developments in the field of biology of farmed fishes
Shellfish Biology
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes.
Shellfish resources and their role in the economy of Bangladesh
Factors affecting the life of shellfishes in aquatic environment..
Morphological features and biology with special reference to food and feeding habits, digestion, respiration, reproduction, embryonic and larval developments and shell formation of:
(a) Freshwater giant prawn; (b) Marine shrimp; (c) Mudcrab; (d) Octopus; (e) Lobster, and (f) Oyster.
Adaptation of shellfish in relation to food and feeding, respiration, reproduction osmoregulation and migration.
Fish Physiology
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes. Overview of physiological processes in fish.
Temperature regulation: Classification of fish based on thermal regulation; low and high thermal effect, temperature regulation in homeotherms. Fish as poikilotherms. Endothermic fishes.
Physiology of digestion: Digestion mechanism of different classes of food: role of HCl, bile, enzymes and hormones; gastric evacuation; parameters to study efficiency of digestion; absorption of digested food
Metabolism: Metabolism and its phases. Classification of metabolic rate based on activity level. Factors controlling metabolism of fish.
Physiology of blood circulation: Importance of blood circulation. Components of circulatory system. Cardiovascular parameters and controlling factors.
Physiology of respiration: External and internal respiration. Mechanism of gas transport and exchange; factors affecting O2 and hemoglobin affinity. Respiratory volume.
Physiology of excretion: Excretory products in different groups of fishes. Mechanism of excretion.
Osmoregulation: Definition of relevant terminology; osmoregulatory approaches in hagfish, lamprey, elasmobranches, marine and freshwater teleosts and euryhaline fishes.
Reproductive physiology: Reproductive cycle. Oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Hormones controlling gonad maturation and reproduction. Environmental and hormonal interplay in controlling reproduction in fishes.
Physiological integration by endocrine system: Hormones and their roles in the life processes of fish. Mechanism of hormonal action at cellular level. Hormonal hierarchy. Feedback control of hormones.
Special organs: light and electric organs
Types of bioluminescence: Structure of light organs. Mechanism of light production. Anatomy of electric organ in fishes. Physiology of electricity production; electro sensation.
Principles of Genetics
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes; milestone of genetics; scope and significance of genetics
Physical bases of heredity: Introduction of animal and plant cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, constituents of eurokaryotic cells, their structure and function; structure of chromosome and its organization, variation in chromosome number, cell division; gametogenesis- spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
Mendelian genetics: Mendel and his work; Mendel’s laws of inheritance- principles of segregation, principles of independent assortment; monohybrid and dihybrid cross; lethal genes, pleiotropy, peneterance and expressivity; linkage and linked genes, kinds of linkage, difference in linkage and independent assortment, arrangement of linked genes; crossing over and meiosis, genetic recombination.
Interaction of genes: Complete and incomplete dominant gene action, additive gene action; epistasis, epistatic and non- epistatic interaction, dominant and recessive epistasis; multiple allelism.
Sex determination and sex chromosome: Different sex determining systems; sex-linked traits, sex-influenced and sex- limited traits; sex manipulation techniques.
Chemistry of gene: Introduction of nucleic acid, nucleic acid structure and nomenclature; DNA and RNA structure; Chemistry of DNA synthesis; DNA repairing, packaging of DNA as nucleosome.
Phenotypic expression of gene: Protein synthesis, transcription and translation, regulation of protein synthesis; the genetic code and its properties.
Mutation: Definition, germinal and somatic mutation, spontaneous and induced mutation; types of mutation, mutagens; practical application of mutations.
Reproductive Physiology of Fishes
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes.
Functional morphology of fish gonads: Primordial germ cells and sex differentiation. Morphology and composition of eggs. Egg membrane and micropyle. Morphology of sperm;. Gonadal development.
Gametogenesis: Oogenesis and folliculogenesis; primary oocyte growth; cortical granule formation; vitellogenesis; pigment formation. Spermatogenesis and biology of sperm: sperm production, biochemistry of sperm, sperm motility and metabolism, sperm survival and maturation. Endocrine control of gametogenesis: inducing hormones and maturation promoting factors.
Viviparity in fishes: Viviparity and gestation- evolutionary considerations, viviparity among the chondrichthyes, internal fertlization, ovoviviparity, viviparity among the teleosts and maternal-embryonic relationship.
Factors regulating reproductive activity: Environmental factors and social factors. Environmental influences- photoperiod, temperature and feeding on gonadal activity and timing of reproductive cycle. Endocrine control of fish reproduction: the brain and neurohormones in fish reproduction;, gonadotropin releasing hormones. Input of physiological factors: steroid feed back; regulation of onset of puberty; regulation of gonadal recrudescence and regulation of ovulation and spermiation.
Reproductive behavior: Pheromones, sex recognition and behavior; territory and space recognition; courtship, nest- building and parental cares.
Water pollution and fish reproduction: Action of pollutants on reproductive processes- hormonal control, egg production, oocyte and embryo energy metabolism. Changes in pollutant sensitivity and hatching time.
Genetics and Reproduction of Ornamental Fish
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes.
An overview of the ornamental fishes. Economic importance. Importance as model animals for basic, genetical and molecular biological research. Prospects of ornamental fish seed business in Bangladesh.
The genetics and pattern of inheritance of the special features of ornamental fish: Color pattern, fin structure, scale pattern, sexual dimorphism. Mendelian inheritance, simple gene effects, complex effect of alleles, interaction of genes. Sexual dimorphism and sex-linked phenotypes; mechanism of sex-determination. Selective breeding of ornamental fishes to produce desired phenotypic combinations. Genetic manipulation.
Modes of reproduction in representative aquarium and farmed ornamental fishes. Factors influencing reproduction of aquarium fishes.
The basic principles of setting up aquarium for fish keeping and breeding; Induced breeding technique of the ornamental fishes. Breeding by creating environment and hormonal induction. Breeding behavior of ornamental fishes in the aquarium.
Embryonic and larval development. Care for larvae and mass seed production techniques.
Genetics and Fish Breeding
Introduction: Course goals, objectives and outcomes.
Breeding, the applied aspects of genetics: Prospects of genetics and breeding in aquaculture and fisheries.
Genetics of populations: Genetic variability in a population, gene pool and gene frequency, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, factors influencing allele frequency. Heterozygosity and genetic distance.
Genetics of quantitative phenotypes: Quantitative phenotypic variation and its components. Characteristics of quantitative inheritance. Calculating the number of multiple alleles. Significance of quantitative genetics.
Selection as a breeding program: Heritability and selection response, different types of selection programs, individual selection, family selection and mass selection.
Hybridization: Dominant genetic variance and hybridization, uses of hybridization, heterosis and hybrid vigor, recurrent selection and impact of hybridization. Outbreeding depression.
Inbreeding: Genetic effects of inbreeding, practical applications of inbreeding, inbreeding coefficient, calculation of inbreeding coefficient, inbreeding depression, approaches for reducing inbreeding accumulation; assortative mating and inbreeding, genetic drift.
Gene-environment interaction variance: Environmental factors affecting productivity.
Genetics of brood stock management: Sources of brood fish. Genetic changes in hatchery populations. Unintentional selection and small population size.
Seed storage and genetic conservation: Cryopreservation of gametes, live and cryogenic gene banking.
Chromosome manipulation: polyploidy, gynogenesis, androgenesis, sex-reversal and production of monosex population.
Recent developments in genetics: Gene transfer: applications and biosafety of GMOs.

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